From page 45: Ancient Diagram of the Holy Trinity . . . Charts of Christian Theology & Doctrine . . .

Doctrinal Error: Non-Trinitarianism
I previously found that the UCG taught Annihilationism . . . I later saw that they also teach Non-Trinitarianism!
(I wanted to mention the UCG, because I see they advertise on Tripod, on my page!)
Doctrine of the Trinity contrasts with both Modalism and Tritheism . . .
Is God a Trinity? . . .
"There Is One God, the Father...and One Lord, Jesus Christ" . . .
Jesus Christ's Submission to the Father . . .
How Is God One? . . .
The Holy Spirit Is Not a Person . . .
Grieving the Holy Spirit (VIDEO) - Uploaded by UCG . . .
So what theology is this?
United Church of God: Armstrongism splinter group . . .
Armstrongism . . .
Modalism . . .
History of Modalism . . .
What are Sabellianism, Modalism, and Monarchianism? . . .
. . . so . . . with Modalism . . . if Jesus were just a man, how are you saved from hell, and how do you get to heaven?
. . . since the price of sin is an eternity in hell, only a sacrifice that is from infinity could pay the price. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice . . .
Answer: They don't believe in eternal hellfire, they believe in annihilationism (the teaching is that hell does not exist) . . . are you saved through their church?
Subordinationism . . .
From page 47: Major Views of the Trinity / Criticism of Subordinationism . . . Charts of Christian Theology & Doctrine . . .
It is at variance with abundant scriptural testimony respecting the deity of both Christ and the Holy Spirit. Its hierarchial concept likewise asserts three essentially separate persons with regard to the Father, Christ, and Holy Spirit. This results in a totally confused soteriology.
History of Christological Errors in the Early Church . . .
United Church of God; Good News? or Bad News? . . .
So, what is the orthodox Christian teaching on the Trinity? (the word "orthodox" means "straight" teaching)
The creeds of the church were written to correct false teachings (please see below). We see that hell is mentioned also (in the Apostles' Creed and Athanasian) . . .
The Apostles' Creed . . .
As usually recited today . . . "He descended into hell"
". . . dates from very early times in the Church, a half century or so from the last writings of the New Testament."
The Apostles' Creed . . .
". . . it has been argued that it was already in written form by the late 2nd century."
"Because of its early origin, it does not address some Christological issues defined in the later Nicene and other Christian Creeds."
The Nicene Creed . . .
The Nicene Creed . . . ". . . adopted in the city of Nicaea by the first ecumenical council, which met there in the year 325." . . .
The Definition of the Council of Chalcedon (451 A.D) . . .
The Athanasian Creed ... "Who suffered for our salvation, descended into hell, . . ." . . .
The Athanasian Creed ... "The most likely time frame is in the late fifth or early sixth century AD – at least 100 years after Athanasius." . . .
The Anathemas of the Second Council of Constantinople (553 AD) . . .
Paraphrased from: Essentials and Non-Essentials in a Nutshell . . .
"Belief in the doctrine of the Trinity as expressed at Nicea is Essential for historic Christian orthodoxy: This category includes beliefs "essential for salvation" but are broader in that they express what has been believed by the historic Christian church for the last two thousand years, no matter which tradition . . . this belief is essential, even if it is not as essential as those expressed in the previous category. In other words, it is a non-negotiable. It is still cardinal doctrine."
St. Athanasius of Alexandria (296-373) defended the Trinity by saying that the Son is "of the same substance as the Father": Lk 24:41-43
Doctrine of the Trinity - ReligionFacts . . .
Hymns on the Trinity:
Midi file (click File / Download): St. Patrick's Breastplate . . .
. . . and three translations of the words . . . St. Patrick's Breastplate . . .
Hail, Co-Essential Three . . .
All three are referred to in this verse: "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:" (Mt 28:19)
Check out these keywords on Google Images . . .
christian trinity symbol
christian holy trinity symbol
christian sacred trinity symbol
From page 50 (see diagram below): False Views of the Trinity . . . Charts of Christian Theology & Doctrine . . .