The Tetramorph cartoon below is from: On Biblical Images (Volume 1, Issue 1) . . .
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Check out these keywords on Google Images . . .
christian tetramorph symbol
christian holy tetramorph symbol
christian sacred tetramorph symbol
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Tetramorph . . .
The Four Evangelists . . .
Wiki prefaces this article with "In Christian tradition . . . " This is the work of the devil, in an attempt to make a mockery, or trivialization of the Christian faith.
Similarily, BCE means "Before Christian Era" . . . I heard an alternative to this somewhere that was very good (but forget what it was).
Still, wiki has a good format . . . I'll leave this link here until I find a better article.
More Biblical Cartoons
On the Word of God (Volume 1, Issue 2) . . .
On the Trinity (Volume 1, Issue 3) . . .
On the Christian Life (Volume 1, Issue 4) . . .
Did the Tetramorph come from the Sumerian Zodiac, as Pagans Claim?
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Ultimately, the tetramorph is rooted in the Sumerian zodiac. The first written evidence that we possess of a science of the stars comes from Sumer. The first constellations were probably defined no later than the 3200 BCE, when the first cities were being built. Taurus the bull, Leo the lion, and Scorpius the scorpion were the first to be designated, with Aquarius the water-carrier occurring later (1) . . .
Ezekiel’s vision is generally interpreted as being rooted in the four Babylonian fixed signs of the zodiac, adopted from Sumer without significant modification. The vision took place during the Babylonian Captivity of Israel, and the astrological reading helps us to make sense of obscure passages such as:
As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their rings were full of eyes round about them four. And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them: and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up. Whithersoever the spirit was to go, they went, thither was their spirit to go; and the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels. (Ez. 1:20).
The association of spirit of the living creature with the wheels, “lifted up over against them,” strongly suggests the symbolism of the zodiac is at work here.
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Answer: No
The devil has been around from the beginning.
There are pagan roots to everything, also, because they too, go back to the beginning of time.
The devil is the great deceiver. He makes evil copies of what God does for this purpose.
The devil would have created the Zodiac to lead people astray. That makes it evil, because it was done to deceive man - We know it would have been done by him.
If God were giving pictures of animals to man as seen in the Book of Ezekiel, the devil would have thought, "Oh, I know what to do."
This is the same reason why, in all these pagan religions, that you see a mother and child.
He works through unbelievers, where they attach their own beliefs and false assumptions to his work.
The next thing you know, even Christians start believing what the Pagans are saying.
The devil will basically do a warped copy of what God does. The pagans are deceived, take it, and say that it came from them.
Can the devil see into the future? No, but he does know the Bible from cover to cover. Therefore, the future he does know is from the Bible.
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Another way of saying it from here:
1:35:44 "The devil, whose business it is to pervert the truth, mimics the exact circumstance of the Divine Sacraments. He baptizes his believers and promises forgiveness of sins ... he celebrates the oblation of bread, and brings in the symbol of the resurrection. Let us therefore acknowledge the craftiness of the devil, who copied certain things of those that be Divine." Tertullian (155-222 AD) from "The Prescription Against Heretics," Chap. XL
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An atheist I spoke to, told me that this was called "out-mything"
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Other lies of the Great Deceiver:
1.) He doesn't exist
2.) The Bible is not the Word of God
3.) The Theory of Evolution