

If you don't believe in God, I propose that you go on a 24 hour distilled water fast - as much water as you want, but only water - no cheating.  This will put you in touch with your mortality, and in touch with God.  There are also health benefits to fasting, so you can't lose (unless you have some health issues, so consult your physician first in this case, before trying).

The Coming Revival: America's Call to Fast, Pray, and "Seek God's Face" by Bill Bright . . . http://amzn.com/1563990644

The Miracle of Fasting: Proven Throughout History for Physical, Mental, & Spiritual Rejuvenation by Patricia Bragg . . . http://amzn.com/0877900396

Ray Comfort witnesses to a professing atheist . . . http://www.howtowitness.com/2009/07/18/ray-comfort-witnesses-to-a-professing-atheist/

How do I Reach Atheists, Agnostics, or Evolutionists for Christ? . . . http://www.dare2share.org/top10/how-do-i-reach-atheists-agnostics-or-evolutionists-for-christ/

Famous atheists last words before dying . . . http://youtu.be/IhCkB-fZXWY

Buzz Aldrin in Apollo 11 took communion on the moon.  The Apollo 8 crew read from the book of Genesis . . . http://www.godandscience.org/apologetics/communion.html

Dr Francis Collins, National Human Genome Research Institute, interview on CNN . . . http://youtu.be/Ml0FqyFYfrU

Famous Scientists Who Believed in God . . . http://www.godandscience.org/apologetics/sciencefaith.html

People of Faith - Astronauts . . . http://www.godandscience.org/apologetics/astronauts.html

Why are Most Scientists Atheists If There is Evidence for Belief in God? . . . http://www.godandscience.org/apologetics/why_are_scientists_atheists.html

1Co 15:12-34 No resurrection of the dead? (verse 33 - bad company corrupts good character) . . . http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Corinthians+15&version=NIV

Richard Feynman on God . . . http://youtu.be/YltEym9H0x4

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Here's an example of how scientists distort, and make things up, because *they* want to be worshipped:

Craig Venter unveils "synthetic life" - YouTube . . . http://youtu.be/QHIocNOHd7A

Disproving Atheists in 82 seconds! - YouTube - Refuting Venter creating synthetic life . . . youtu.be/iAY9d-tiO_Y


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Dolly, the cloned sheep, was born on July 5, 1996, and lived until the age of six, at which point she died from a progressive lung disease:


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If it can be demonstrated that sufficient evidence exists (i.e., textual, historical, archaeological) to authenticate the Bible as a thoroughly reliable historical document, will you then accept its ethical and moral imperatives? If not, then don't trouble yourself about reading this paper. Yours isn't an intellectual problem, but rather a volitional problem - a matter of the will.

Why the Bible Is the Word of God - Can I Trust the Bible . . . http://www.gospeloutreach.net/bible.html

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Genius - The Movie . . . http://youtu.be/o7pe3_VQbUM

28:54 A cross dresser says it's ok - This is called idolatry.  It's where we shape a god to suit ourselves, to suit our sins.  You "believe" in God, but you don't obey Him.  You're not living in holiness.  You're playing the hypocrit, gambling with your life.  Get right with God today.

30:38 An atheist once said that John Lennon's "Imagine" is an anthem for atheism.

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Daniel Dennett: Breaking the Spell - Religion as a Natural Phenomenon - YouTube . . . http://youtu.be/5WhQ8bSvcHQ

08:52 Aurochs (is this where the Lorax comes from?)

24:05 It's ideas, not worms, that hijack our brains.  These are ideas that can copy themselves, that can make us copy them, not only rehearsing them in our own brains, over and over, but spreading them to our friends, and our neighbors, and our family, and populating the world with many copies of these ideas.  This of course is the idea of "memes" that Richard Dawkins first introduced in his famous book, "The Selfish Gene," which appeared just 30 years ago.

38:53 There's competition in people's minds for space - some win in the replication tournament . . . Supernatural agents are for occupying the minds that they find themselves in, some do us good, some do us harm, some are neutral . . . Symbiants come in these three varieties also, some of which are essential to your life, you wouldn't want to get rid of them . . .

42:20 So, don't be disgusted by your symbiants, most of them are harmless - Same thing with all of the cultural symbiants that infest your brain - this is what the "memes" perspective gives you . . . 

42:55 Here's a riddle then.  How are "spoken" words and "folk songs" like squirrels, rats, pigeons, and barn swallows? . . . Answer:  They're not domesticated, but wild . . . they live in close proximity to us to exploit aspects of human ecology for their own benefit - they're just around, and they do very well . . . languages too are like wild memes . . .

"Memes" seems like what the Bible is talking about in 2 Corinthians 10:5:  "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;" (2 Co 10:5)

The organizing, guiding, principle of the Bible is to *always* choose life. That's what turning away from sin is about. If you go against the Bible, then you're in the meme / culture of death . . . Deut 30:19 (NKJV) I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;

The atheist would say the Christian "meme" is just to control people - What actually are the pros and cons of being a follower of Jesus?  Do the benefits outweigh the negatives?


1.) The guiding principle, the organizing principle, is to always choose life (Deut 30:19)

2.) You know how you will behave from day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute, moment to moment

3.) You will reject behaviors and ideas that lead to death, physical and spiritual

4.) You are guaranteed to have eternal life in heaven, and to avoid of hell

5.) Creation makes sense - It gives you a purpose for living, it gives you hope when things are hopeless


1.) You have to give up your identity as the master of your domain, and submit your will to the will of God

2.) You have to accept that the meta-physical realm exists - that is, something beyond the physical realm, that which we can see and touch



Tracts on Evolution

Apes, Lies and Ms. Henn . . . http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/1051/1051_01.asp

Big Daddy? . . . http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/0055/0055_01.asp

In The Beginning . . . http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/5001/5001_01.asp

Moving On Up! . . . http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/1041/1041_01.asp

Questions for Evolutionists - How Embarrassing For The Poor Evolutionist - YouTube . . . http://youtu.be/M6zcDknU6oc

Against the World - Evolution: The Foot in Mouth . . . http://againsttheworld.tv/?p=876


Intelligent Design

Unlocking the Mystery of Life (Chapter 1 of 12) - Chapter 10 has an incredible animation of how DNA makes a protein . . . http://youtu.be/VWvS1UfXl8k

Designer Needed!  No Designer Needed? . . . http://www.ideacenter.org/contentmgr/showdetails.php/id/713 

DNA REPAIR--mechanism revealed . . . How DNA Machinery is a ‘Two-Way Street’ . . . http://healthfully.org/mednews/id4.html

For even a relatively simple single cell organism, what created its DNA, the assembly instructions? . . . Give me the evidence for a biological, or naturalistic, method for inert matter becoming self-aware . . . How did the Krebs cycle jump from anaerobic to aerobic? . . . How did the 2 chambered heart evolve into a 3 or 4 chambered heart? This would require a COMPLETE reworking of the veins and arteries, interior valves, and the creation of an interior circuit which can properly interact with the lungs.

Neurology has shown that there is not nearly enough information stored in DNA to create the human brain - but text books teach there is . . . Also, the section of the brain for many processes has been found, but not the seat of consciousness, or self awareness, anywhere.

The Vertebrate Animal Heart: Unevolvable, whether Primitive or Complex . . . http://www.ideacenter.org/contentmgr/showdetails.php/id/1113

Nicene Council - Against the World – The Evolution of a Fairytale . . . http://againsttheworld.tv/?p=824

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Error Correction / Quote Mining:  Here is a quote taken out of context by the Intelligent Design Movement:

You have to read the text a few times, and diagram the sentence, but Darwin is not negating his own theory:

The Fallacy of quoting out of context (Darwin / Quote Mining) - Wikipedia . . . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacy_of_quoting_out_of_context#.22Absurd_in_the_highest_degree.22

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Quarks and leptons for beginners . . . http://youtu.be/TGrDj5vFefQ

In this series, somewhere, it talks about the Quantum Foam - if by definition this can never be explained, how can you you say that God doesn't exist?

NOVA  The Elegant Universe . . . http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/physics/elegant-universe.html

NOVA  The Elegant Universe - Google Video . . . http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1322493346942339345

Different series on the same subject

BBC - Horizon - Parallel Universes . . . http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/horizon/2001/paralleluni.shtml

Alternative Reality Hyperspace Universe (part 1 of 5) . . . http://youtu.be/0-nP4yD1hkk

M-Theory: The Mother of all SuperStrings . . . http://mkaku.org/home/?page_id=262

Introduction to M-theory / Membranes . . . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Introduction_to_M-theory

Imagining the Tenth Dimension part 1 of 2 / 2:51 The Long Undulating Snake . . . http://youtu.be/JkxieS-6WuA

The Unseen Eye . . . http://youtu.be/oK29fTLXEf0

Carl Sagan 4th Dimension Explanation . . . http://youtu.be/UnURElCzGc0

Fourth Dimension 101 . . . http://youtu.be/uDaKzQNlMFw

Dr Quantum - Flatland . . . http://youtu.be/BWyTxCsIXE4

Rotating Tesseract . . . http://youtu.be/5xN4DxdiFrs

5d-Hypercube (Tesseract ) . . . http://youtu.be/jMMKceXeExY

ATLAS - Episode 1 -A New Hope . . . http://youtu.be/OxENLH1ATV4

ATLAS - Episode 2 -The Particles Strike Back (Part 1) . . . http://youtu.be/iYRQpcJVQx8

ATLAS - Episode 2 - The Particles Strike Back (Part 2) . . . http://youtu.be/DUkzyDbMQ3E

YouTube - Dr Quantum - Double Slit Experiment . . . science has shown that matter is self aware, it changes when you look at it . . . http://youtu.be/DfPeprQ7oGc

Searching for the Missing Universe:  Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) . . . http://youtu.be/hv8N8S-j_yU

97 Percent of Our DNA Has a Higher Purpose And Is Not ‘Junk’ As Labeled By Scientists . . . http://wakeup-world.com/2012/10/08/97-percent-of-our-dna-has-a-higher-purpose-and-is-not-junk-as-labeled-by-scientists/

The Black Hole War 280400-1, by Leonard Susskind, C-SPAN Video Library - Around the edge of a black hole is the information that projects us as holograms.  If we could get there, the question is, can the hologram change the information?  This will determine if teleportation is possible. . . . http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/280400-1

Satan will come up with anything to degrade you, and keep you from understanding that you're a precious child of God.  For example:

1.) He will say that we are descended from monkeys, apes, worms, or primordial slime

2.) He will say that in the big scheme of things, that you are nothing more than a cosmic space turd, or a star turd

3.) Demons conducting alien abduction will say that you're a hybrid - half human / half angel, or half human / half alien

4.) He will say that we are holograms

The devil will say anything to get you to lose your sense of being special - and he uses scientists to do it.  Not all scientists are bad, some do make the world a better place to live in.

. . . You have to remember that it's the Bible that has the Truth.  Test everything against the Word of God - that's how you discern Truth from Lies.

Moriarity / holodeck / hologram Episodes:

Star Trek: The Next Generation ... Season 2, Episode 3, Elementary, Dear Data . . . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elementary,_Dear_Data

Star Trek: The Next Generation ... Season 6, Episode 12, Ship in a Bottle . . . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ship_in_a_Bottle_(Star_Trek:_The_Next_Generation)

Related to Star Trek:  Only God can do teleporting, which He will do in the Rapture.  Satan can only mimic and copy it.  We see in Star Trek that man can do it, to take away our knowledge of this fact.

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In the Meyers-Briggs personality test, I tested as the INTJ, so I can speak from this:



Example of how mis-understandings take place:

In the movie "Expelled" on intelligent design, Dawkins said, "In other words, if it were shown that life is designed, then the most obvious candidate for a designer is some advanced civilization from another planet."

So, he's saying that aliens created us, right?

I went to an atheist blog and said, "Did you know that Dawkins said he thinks aliens created us?" ... and I heard over an over again, "No, he did NOT say that."

So I thought, what's going on? Why are they saying that? He did say it.

Then I thought, in my personality type, the "J," Judging, means that I make quick decisions about things. That's why I interpret Dawkins as saying that "aliens created us."

It occurred to me that Dawkins could be the INTP. The "P" (counterpoint to "J") means "Perceiving." INTPs leave things open ended. They stay open to perception - so he didn't actually, really say that aliens created us.

I mentioned this in the atheist blog, and they agreed, "Correct, he didn't say that aliens *did* create us, he said that they're a *more likely* explanation than design by a magical deity. Extra-terrestrial creation of the first monomers on Earth is a far more likely explanation than speaking the world into existence in an instant. At least there's a natural explanation for the extra-terrestrials existing. Stein used a mined quotation out of context ('quote mining')."

I checked it out, and found that someone has Dawkins down has being the INTP:



Personally, I believe God spoke the world into existence. If man gets rid of the concept of something external to, and above him, you make yourself into a God, which is dangerous, and the oldest trick in the book.


Atheists believe in evolution:  primordial slime > ape > trans-humanism / eternal life > alien (these are really demons in disguise)

The Christian version is:  unsaved > saved > sanctified > heaven / eternal life with Jesus


HowStuffWorks - 10 of the Biggest Lies in History - Piltdown Man . . . http://history.howstuffworks.com/history-vs-myth/10-biggest-lies-in-history.htm#page=6

Micro-Machines Visualization . . . Unlocking the Mystery of Life (Chapter 10 of 12) . . . http://youtu.be/gdBJt6sdDfI

Question:  Micro-Machines / Illicit Sex / Bible says the two become one flesh, a spiritual law / Are viruses created if you do it with more than one person?  Do the micro-machines sense this?

Greg Koukl - Stand to Reason (STR) . . . http://www.str.org/site/PageServer . . . there's a training on here . . . show the atheist that he's really an agnostic - because it's impossible for him to really *know* some things - get him to say it in his own words, then he will be more open to the gospel.

Atheists are often very intelligent, and it's this intelligence that is their worst enemy, because they can't see beyond the lies.  All they're willing to look at is what is in the physical world, because they want proof - that's where the snare is for them - they want proof, that's where they slip up - They fail to understand the concept of faith, because faith is believing without seeing, which is what it says in the Bible.  They're thinking with the carnal mind, so they're stuck, they can't get into the spiritual way of thinking.



Hypothesis - Prayer is like the placebo effect, it never really cures a person

What's the difference between faith (not relying on a feeling but believing / trusting in something you cannot see) and placebo (the power of suggestion)?

A placebo never actually cures, it can have an adverse effect, and is short lived.

Religion, The Placebo Effect, and Faith . . . http://graceinallthings.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/religion-placebo-effect-and-faith.html

Placebo Faith . . . http://www.str.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=5496

Avoiding the pain of the not-so-mystical placebo effect with the almost-magical run-in period . . . http://www.tcpinnovations.com/drugbaron/?p=213

Scientists analyse placebo effect - a placebo never cures a tumor . . . http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/2616771.stm

What is the placebo effect? . . . http://www.cancer.org/treatment/treatmentsandsideeffects/treatmenttypes/placebo-effect



Ian McCormack (Part 1 of 10) former atheist, near death experience (NDE) conversion - YouTube . . . http://youtu.be/XgF_iwUNqFU

BBC: PAM SEES GOD. NDE Pam Reynolds. Amazing! Full version! - YouTube . . . http://youtu.be/WNbdUEqDB-k

11 yr Old Went to Heaven and Back, and Tells What He Saw! - YouTube . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdUGoFTfP7w

Buddhist Monk Hell and Heaven Testimony (Buddhist Near Death Experience) - YouTube . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byig-MjT0Gk

Resurrection of an African Pastor . . . http://www.bibleprobe.com/ekechukwu.htm

Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) with Evidence of the Afterlife and From Soul to Soulmate . . . http://www.nderf.org/

Near death experiences - Today Tonight . . . http://au.news.yahoo.com/today-tonight/health/article/-/5069041/near-death-experiences/


Lord's Supper . . . http://www.wels.net/what-we-believe/questions-answers/lords-supper

Real presence of Christ in the Eucharist - Jesus is really there - "in, with and under the forms" of bread and wine . . . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_presence_of_Christ_in_the_Eucharist


Square roots? Scientists say plants are good at math . . . http://news.yahoo.com/square-roots-scientists-plants-good-math-040924317.html


1962 - 1963 . . . Prayer and Bible reading taken out of the Public Schools / Madalyn Murray O'Hair . . . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madalyn_Murray_O'Hair

William J. Murray - Madalyn Murray O'Hair Murder . . . http://www.wjmurray.com/


William J. Murray - Wikipedia . . . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_J._Murray

My Life Without God - YouTube . . . http://youtu.be/emrr-fQLYl0

Religious Freedom Coalition . . . http://www.religiousfreedomcoalition.org/

Sharia Awareness Action Network . . . http://shariafreeusa.com/


1995 - The Murder of Madalyn Murray O'Hair . . . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madalyn_Murray_O'Hair#Murder

The Murder of Madalyn Murray O'Hair America's Most Hated Woman by Lona Manning . . . http://www.crimemagazine.com/ohair.htm

True Confession - Kidnapping and murder of Madalyn Murray O'Hair . . . http://www.dallasobserver.com/2003-07-10/news/true-confession/full/

Congressional Prayer Caucus . . . http://forbes.house.gov/prayercaucus/blog/?postid=332395

Congressional Prayer Caucus - YouTube . . . https://www.youtube.com/user/PrayerCaucus/videos?sort=dd&view=0&live_view=500&flow=grid

Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers | providing community for atheists and humanists in the military . . . http://militaryatheists.org/


7/24/13 I asked an atheist, "Why aren't there any atheist charities."  I got back a list that had some, but also included humanists and deists:

Atheist Centre of India . . . http://atheistcentre.in/SecularSocialWorkASM.html

Foundation Beyond Belief . . . http://foundationbeyondbelief.org/about

EARTHWARD, Inc . . . http://earthward.org/faq.shtml

Fellowship of Freethought . . . http://fofdallas.org/about/

International Humanist and Ethical Union . . . http://iheu.org/article-categories/about-iheu

Atheists Helping the Homeless . . . http://dfwahh.org/

Kiva Atheists Team . . . http://www.kiva.org/team/atheists

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation . . . http://www.gatesfoundation.org/

HIVOS . . . http://www.hivos.org/about-hivos

Union of Concerned Scientists . . . http://www.ucsusa.org/about/

UNICEF . . . http://www.unicefusa.org/about/

Doctors Without Borders . . . http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/aboutus/?ref=main-menu

Oxfam . . . http://www.oxfam.org/en/about

The Nature Conservancy . . . http://www.nature.org/about-us/index.htm

Planned Parenthood . . . http://www.plannedparenthood.org/about-us/


Goodwill . . . http://www.goodwill.org/about-us/our-mission/
