In the eyes of God, all deserve hell, because any sin deserves hell . . . but in the temporal world, there's a big difference between stealing a pencil and killing someone.

Issue of the Day:  Can a homosexual get to heaven?


It doesn't look good.  It's like blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, the one unforgivable sin.  On the other hand, as long as they have breath, they have a chance.


What if gays didn't do parades, or seek to get legislation passed to indoctrinate kindergartners?  What if they kept to themselves, and stayed in the closet?


Then they would be more similar to Christians who are fornicators and adulterers.


If they gave up their pride, and repented, yet still had that proclivity, it seems like maybe they could get to heaven.


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There are only 3 sins that are un-forgivable:  1.) Taking the Mark of the Beast, 2.) Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, and 3.) Suicide


Question:  Why is suicide worse than murder?


Best answer:  Because you can't repent of suicide


What is the Christian view of suicide? What does the Bible say about suicide? . . .


Samson committed suicide - So is suicide still unforgivable?


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