We know that Allah is a false god, because he is unholy - he requires no payment for sin. He's like a bad judge, who lets all the criminals go free.
Muslims believe they can work their way to heaven (works righteousness). In contrast to Christianity, which faith exalts God more? That's how you know the true religion.
Walid Shoebat (Part 1 of 2) - Why I Left Islam-Ex-Muslim terrorist - YouTube . . . http://youtu.be/qD5Wf4oM_oI
Walid Shoebat Foundation . . . https://www.facebook.com/shoebatFoundation
Kamal Saleem A Muslim Cries Out to Jesus - CBN TV - Video . . . http://www.cbn.com/media/index.aspx?s=/vod/AL32v1_WS
Honor Killing: Islam's Gruesome Gallery . . . http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2009/03/honor-killing-islams-gruesome-gallery.html
God's Battalions: The Case for the Crusades . . . http://amzn.com/0061582603
Creeping Sharia - It's Not a Theory . . . http://www.chick.com/bc/2013/sharia.asp
How the Vatican created Islam . . . http://www.redicecreations.com/specialreports/2006/04apr/catholicislam.html
Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time . . . http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/
List of Islamic Terror Attacks on Christians . . . http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/Pages/ChristianAttacks.htm
The Religion of Peace - Terror in the Name of Allah, Understanding Islam, In the Name of Allah, Why terrorists do what they do...in their own words . . . http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/Pages/In-The-Name-of-Allah.htm
Tracts on Islam:
Allah Had No Son . . . http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/0042/0042_01.asp
The Deceived . . . http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/0029/0029_01.asp
Is Allah Like You? . . . http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/1058/1058_01.asp
The Little Bride . . . http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/1054/1054_01.asp
Men of Peace? . . . http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/1031/1031_01.asp
The Pilgrimage . . . http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/1004/1004_01.asp
The Sky Lighter . . . http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/1011/1011_01.asp
The Story Teller . . . http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/0062/0062_01.asp
Who Cares? . . . http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/5020/5020_01.asp