Create an excel spreadsheet

Have two columns on the left:  one for the date a prayer is asked, and another for the date a prayer is answered.

Type in your prayers, thoughts, questions, problems, and requests

Say how much you love the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and need Him in our lives

At the bottom, put into it a picture of Jesus (copy and paste) - two or three per worksheet . . .

Use some of mine, on my Google Docs - Click on the grid button in the top right to see thumbnails - If you get Error 500, this is a known issue - If you sign in with a Google account, and then look, maybe they'll show up.

Or, see what others are available on Google Images:

I keep these images at the bottom of the worksheet, and move them down, as I type in new things.

Save and password protect the worksheet

I've found that this models speaking to Jesus, and making your prayer requests known to Him

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In the last days, service projects are a good way to show the love of Christ:

Gideon Project USA - Take Action . . .


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Is speaking in tongues the same thing as channeling?

It seems like, no - channelers are not aware of what they're doing. It's evil spirits taking them over.

Tongues is the Holy Spirit.

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Pray for new primary assumptions for government:

God exists.

We have to give an account of our life to Him after we die.

Man is created in the image of God, as the Bible says.

Man is not an animal (Theory of Evolution)

Separation of Church and State un-American, and a lie from the Communists.

The State is not God, and does not determine what is right and wrong, God's Word does.

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Repeal Obamacare.  Get your Affirmative Action utopia out of my life.  Bunch of liars.

Nobody wants a doctor who got there by affirmative action (fake doctors).

Nobody wants to pay into a system that rations care, and make you have to wait, especially if you've paid for it.

Make the doctors lower their prices.

Make it so prices are in line with what people earn.

Make it so people can pay just for the services that they need.

Paying an amorphous amount for insurance confuses the market, and gets things to spiral out of control.

There is no incentive for people to stay healthy, if there's one rate.

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7/17/13 They want to model Obamacare after the Canadian healthcare system, where you get no treatment for cancer after the age of 65

[Verify] At age 76 when you most need it, you are not eligible for cancer treatment.

Page 272. section 1145: Cancer hospital will ration care according to the patient's age.

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Gender Theory as a Tool of Totalitarianism?  A view from Paris . . .

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God HATES sin. Say a prayer against all the things The Frankfurt School wants to corrupt you with . . .

1. The creation of racism offences

2. Continual change to create confusion

3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children

4. The undermining of schools' and teachers' authority

5. Huge immigration to destroy identity

6. The promotion of excessive drinking

7. Emptying of churches

8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime

9. Dependency on the state or state benefits

10. Control and dumbing down of media

11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family - easy divorce, destroy the concept of the Father, Mother, and baby

12. Easy access to porn and drugs

1. We HATE racism offences

2. We HATE continual change to create confusion

3. We HATE the teaching of sex and homosexuality to children

4. We HATE the undermining of schools' and teachers' authority

5. We HATE huge immigration to destroy identity

6. We HATE the promotion of excessive drinking

7. We HATE the emptying of churches

8. We HATE an unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime

9. We HATE dependency on the state or state benefits

10. We HATE control and dumbing down of media

11. We HATE encouraging the breakdown of the family - easy divorce, destroy the concept of the Father, Mother, and baby

12. We HATE Easy access to porn and drugs

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It appears that "Separation of Church and State" is really about the State taking over the role of the Church, ie. with gay marriage.

Was it really about this all of the time?  A Communist ploy.  Fabian Socialism.  Do godless transformations to society very slowly, to bring about the NWO.

If not, neither should "take over" either. They're like husband and wife, and have different functions. They need to be kept separate.

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